This June, Teens Acting Against Violence hosted its third annual Teens Lead Ahead Camp. Twenty eight youth from Kotlik, Napaskiak, Kipnuk, and Kwethluk along with twenty TAAV members gathered in Bethel for this 3 day event. A highlight of the camp was the day spent at fish camp during which youth were able to participate in fishing, cutting fish, plucking birds, gathering wood, and making story knives. Rob Kinean, an Anchorage based chef who specializes in traditional foods spent time with the group, cooking a smelt salsa and a duck soup. Campers were also lead through a community planning activity by one of the Green Dot violence prevention facilitators. Keggulluk gave several presentations along with the Promoting Health Among Teens peer education group. Other highlights of the camp included a town wide scavenger hunt and a dance held at the teen center. Overall, the third year of the camp was a continued success and involved more youth leadership, including several TLA alumni serving as chaperones. Once again, this year’s TLA would not have been possible without the generous support from our partners- YKHC, AVCP, ONC, and LKSD, ANDVSA, TWC staff, and all of our community volunteers!
Teens Lead Ahead 2013
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