In July seven TAAV members and the two TAAV coordinators traveled to central Oregon to participate in an Outward Bound five day white water rafting course. The group travelled down the Deschutes River learning rafting techniques, leave no trace camping skills, and valuable instruction in leadership, communication, and teamwork. TAAV members further challenged themselves by swimming through rapids and jumping off some 10 foot rocks. All the teens finished the course with a renewed sense of empowerment and commitment to their work in Bethel and TAAV. After Outward Bound the group also spent 3 days in Portland going swimming, shopping, and going to the movies! Outward Bound is one of the highlights of the TAAV program- for many it was their first time traveling down states and it was truly rewarding for all. Though TAAV members fundraise all year to fund Outward Bound, all of the flights were generously donated by community members! Thanks to all who support Teens Acting Against Violence!