The Bethel MDT has been invited to Speak at a Lunch Panel Discussion at the 2022 Child Maltreatment Conference in Anchorage, Alaska.
(Pictured above: Amber Chung, Forensic Interviewer and SART Social Worker, Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation, Jennifer Prince Medical Director of CMT, SART & STAR for Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation, Zachariah Johnson, Office of Children’s Services, Krystal Henry Irniamta Ikayurviat, Bethel Children’s Advocacy Center Program Director, Rodney Thomas , Department of Juvenile Justice – Probation Supervisor, Teague Widmier, Alaska State Troopers – Sergeant, Farah Sears, Assistant Medical Director of CMT, SART & STAR for Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation)
The “Perp” is Just a Child. Now What? (Lunch panel)
Child-on-child cases of sexual abuse can be extremely challenging. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) reports Youth with Problematic Sexualized Behavior (YPSB) commit more than one third of sexual offenses committed against minors. However, children with problematic sexual behavior are first and foremost children. Misinformation often leads the public, and even professionals, to negatively label these children, offering little hope for change. Learn how the YK Delta MDT has come together to understand the dynamics of YPSB and strategize how best to service these youth, the children impacted, and the families involved.
Learning Objectives:
- Define problematic sexual behaviors (PSB).
- Understanding the difference between health, age-appropriate expressions of sexuality and PSB.
- Discern myths about YPSB from facts about YPSB.
- Differentiate between children and adolescents with PSB and adult sex offenders.
- Recognize safety concerns related to children and adolescent with PSB.
- Discuss models for MDTS to approach YPSB.
- Identify appropriate treatments for YPSB.
Fall Moose Processing
Sept 2022
April 2022 – Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention
The CAC along with the Alaska State Troopers, Tundra Women’s Coalition and the Bethel Family Clinic Partnered together to GO BLUE and Host a 5K run/walk on April 30, 2022. It was a successful event with community members participating for this worthy cause!