
TWC provides a safe place for women and children who have been battered or sexually assaulted, or who fear that they will soon be. Room is also available for male victims.

24-Hour Crisis Line
An advocate is on duty to answer the crisis 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Victims can arrange to stay in the shelter, get information, or just talk.


Victims can make appointment with advocates or walk in to talk about their situations and options.

TWC will provide assistance to victims unable to pay their way to Bethel.

Hospital Accompaniment
An advocate is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to accompany victims to the hospital and support them through

Support Groups
Tuesdays from 7-8:30 p.m. support groups on Women and Alcohol as well as Domestic Violence are offered. Groups are open to any and all women. Childcare is provided.

Children’s Programs
TWC offers a number of different programs for children and teens to help them learn to overcome and combat the effects of domestic violence.  To learn more about the Children’s Advocacy Center click here.

Community Outreach and Education

Various programs and resources are offered through TWC to educate the community about the realities of domestic violence.

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