For two days in July, TWC shelter staff and program participants learned about the process of jarring fish from the Cooperative Extension office at KuC. Thanks to all the donations of fish TWC receives, we were able to jar three cases of salmon as well as freeze a lot of salmon for the winter. Thanks to Leah Walsh for her time spent teaching this technique at TWC!
TWC hosted Alaska Immigration Justice Center’s Language Interpreter Project for an Introduction to Interpreting training May 31-June 2. 15 bilingual attendees spent 3 days with LIC staff learning about ethics, roles, boundaries, etc. in translating and interpreting settings. This workshop was funded with Pilot DV/SA Project funds in conjunction with the Elluatmun Partnership.
TWC hosted the 10th Annual Yukegtaaraat Celebration on April 30th, 2011. Honorees were Neva Rivers of Hooper Bay, Esther Green of Bethel and Peter Atchak of Bethel. More than 150 people attended this celebration, which honors people who have made contributions as helpers, leaders or supporters for their families, communities or the entire Y-K region. Thanks to all the businesses and organizations who were sponsors of this event, and to the dozens of people who contributed to the silent auction. We love celebrating these wonderful people who play important and vital roles in our communities throughout the Y-K region.
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Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) is sponsoring a FREE Children’s Fair from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. April 8, 2011 at the ONC Multi-purpose Building (the old bowling alley) along with several collaborative partners: TWC/CAC, ONC, YKHC, Law Enforcement & others. Each Agency will have their own information/activity tables. Come join us for fun & interactive activities, games, performances, cupcake walk and face painting. Collect & share information on healthy lifestyles, & volunteer if you can! This event is for children and parents of all ages! All activities are FREE!
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On May 6th, the Children’s Program and TAAV traveled to Nunapitchuk at the request of the school. Nunapitchuck’s airstrip is located across the Johnson from the village, so the TWC staff got treated to two hair-raising sled rides across a rapidly melting river!! That didn’t stop the staff from getting to the school and teaching the kids, though.
The Children’s Advocate, Diane Typpo, taught the Kindergartners, first graders, second graders, and third graders about how to recognize safe and unsafe touches, and how to say no if someone broke the touching rule. The other Children’s Advocate, Eileen Arnold taught the fourth and fifth graders how to recognize, and say no to bullying. The junior high and high school got healthy relationship presentations from TAAV coordinator Abby Smith, and TAAV member Yvonne Aloralrea.
The kids were really engaged in the presentations and asked lots of questions. They helped make the presentations great!
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This past Friday, the Children’s Advocacy Center hosted their 2nd annual Children’s Fair in effort to raise awareness during National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Families and guests learned about the various resources offered in Bethel to support families. Also, kids and parents had the chance to meet Alaska State Trooper’s Safety Bear, play games, participate in a cake walk and win door prizes. With the support of local businesses and corporations such as ONC, AVCP, Corinna’s, Swanson’s, LKSD, YKHC, Public Health, Alaska State Troopers, Bethel Family Clinic, A/C, VIP Restaurant and Video World, this event came together. A special thank you to ONC for donating their multi-purpose building for the evening and for all the organizations who held information booths at the fair.
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In early April, the TWC community gathered together with artist, Patricia Bulitt, to honor those female relatives who have made an impression upon our lives. By using paper dresses as a blank canvas, staff and clients remembered their aunts, grandmothers and sisters through pictures and images. At the end of the evening, we all sat in a talking circle to share our dresses and memories with eachother.
Chim, one of TAAV’s active members said her dress was made in membrance of her grandmother, Lena. Chim was named after her grandmother and remembers making her grandmother laugh. Chim painted her dress pink because her grandmother was always buying pink clothes and shoes for Chim.
TAAV member, Lena made a dress in memory of her grandfather, William. The colors and hand prints on Lena’s dress remind her of berry-picking with her grandfather as well his leadership of the Eskimo Drummers in Newtok.
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This year’s Yukegtaaraat Celebration was a complete success! We could not have done it without the collaboration of so many dedicated people. A special thanks goes to the Yukegtaaraat Committee members, TWC staff and board members, Teens Acting Against Violence, and volunteers who used their creativity and enthusiasm which allowed the evening to run so smoothly. Bev Hoffman hosted a sold out crowd who dined on a wonderful halibut dinner provided by Tiffany Tony. Congratulations again to our three honorees, Rose Domnick, Andrew Beaver and Irene Kaganak, for all the work you’re doing for the people of the Y-K Delta. Photos courtesy of Chris Pike.
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Wells Fargo staff Lisa Wimmer and Will Gemar gave TWC a $2,500 sponsorship for the 2010 Yukegtaaraat. Thanks to Wells Fargo for being a Platinum sponsor for this year’s event!