Purple Qaspeq Sewing

Quyana to longtime board member and current president, Monica Charles, for coming to TWC a couple of times during October to help residents and staff sew purple qaspeqs for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. She was aided by board member Elizabeth Roll and development manager Lisa Whalen. Our residents enjoyed the activity and were happy with their finish products!

The Clothesline Project

This year, Tundra Women’s Coalition participated in the Clothesline Project, a nation-wide project encouraging domestic violence awareness, showing support for survivors and remembering those who have died at the hands of abusers. More info about the project is available at http://theclotheslineproject.org.


Join our Purple Qaspeq Campaign!

Every year during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, friends of TWC show their support by donning a purple qaspeq and sending photos with arms outstretched to signify joining together to fight domestic violence and support survivors.

Do you have access to a purple qaspeq and want to join with us? Send your name and picture, with arms outstretched, to twc@twcpeace.org!

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month!

TWC’s annual peace walk is an opportunity for staff, residents and community members to join together to raise awareness about domestic violence!

TWC’s annual peace walk is an opportunity for staff, residents and community members to join together to raise awareness about domestic violence!

TWC’s annual peace walk is an opportunity for staff, residents and community members to join together to raise awareness about domestic violence!

Summer Fun!

Staff gathering fireweed to make fireweed jelly

Staff gathering fireweed to make fireweed jelly

TWC Pride Celebration 2022

TWC Pride Celebration 2022

Staff team building exercises

Staff team building exercises

Support the TWC Endowed Fund during DVAM!

During Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we would like to encourage all of our friends and supporters to consider a one-time or monthly recurring contribution to TWC’s Endowed Fund. This fund, housed at Bethel Community Services Foundation, is building a source of revenue that will continue to allow TWC the flexibility to meet survivors where they are when they arrive at the shelter- whether it’s funding a new ID for someone who has had hers taken by an abuser, stocking the shelter kitchen, or purchasing school supplies so that a child staying in the shelter can start the year with new pencils and notebooks. Click here to make a contribution! Quyana for all that you do!