The Giving Tree campaign is underway.

This holiday season, everyone in the Bethel community is invited to participate in the Giving Tree program at the Tundra Women’s Coalition.  If you would like to make the holidays a little brighter for a family affected by domestic violence or sexual assault, please pick up a Giving Tree ornament at various businesses around town, including AC, Wells Fargo, Swanson’s, KUC, Cultural Center, Gladys Jung, and the LKSD district office.  Please return the ornament and the gift, unwrapped, to the Tundra Women’s Coalition by Friday, December 18th.  TWC is located at 250 6th Ave.  If your time is limited, TWC also accepts cash donations that we can use to purchase gifts for the families.  Please consider helping out these families who have stayed in the shelter in the past year.  Call Eileen or Diane at 907-543-3444 for ideas of gifts that are needed. Thank you!

We’re moving!

packing party 001.jpgpacking party 002.jpg

You should see the office right now – the packing party has begun! We’ve got music going and staff running every which way, packing supplies and materials into boxes to HOPEFULLY make it next door to the new building with as little confusion as possible. Do you think we can do it? Monday and Tuesday of next week, the staff will be transitioning the admin offices into our new home, so keep that in mind if you try calling. Grand Opening is scheduled for Thurs, Dec 17th at 11am and we’ll have an Open House all afternoon.

T.A.A.V Interviews Local Artist Marie Alfred

Marie AlfredAlfred's Wooden Spoons

Marie Alfred is a local artist who has been working in partnership with TWC over the past month. Since October 27, 2009, Alfred has been leading workshops with T.A.A.V every Tuesday on creating “story knives” by instructing them on wood working skills. Alfred’s efforts to work with the teens helps TWC achieve its goal of providing culturally relevant activities to its participants. Below is the interview active T.A.A.V member Maya Morris did with Alfred.

Maya Morris (MM): How long have you been doing wood carving professionally?

Marie Alfred (MA): Since May 2009

MM: Who taught you to do wood carving?

MA: My grandpa Adam Fisher. He passed in 1973. He had a business called Grandfathers Teaching.

MM: Are there other crafts you make?

MA: I do water colors, drawings, and work with ivory.

MM: If someone wanted to see your work, where could they go to look at it?

MA: At the art gallery at the the Yup’iit Piciryarait Cultural Center.

MM: Is any of your stuff for sale?

MA: Some water color paintings and wooden spoons. The water color paintings are around $100 and the wooden spoons are $250- $300.

MM: Do you have any current projects in the works?

MA: I’m making ivory earrings.

If you would like more information about Marie Alfred and her art work please contact T.A.A.V coordinator Abby Smith at TWC or the art gallery at the Yup’iit Piciryarait Cultural Center.

TWC Annual Live Christmas Tree Sale and Fundraiser


Thanksgiving is next week, which means Christmas is just around the corner! We have ordered a load of Christmas trees and they will be in Bethel shortly. We have a limited number of 3-5ft Noble firs for $115, many 6-7ft Grand firs for $135, limited 7-8ft Noble firs for $165 and limited 8-9ft Noble firs for $225. Call 543-3444 now to pre-order. TWC would like to thank Lowe’s Home Improvement for their labor and Northern Air Cargo for their generous donations!

2nd Annual Lead On! For Peace and Equality Conference

October 4th -6th 2009 ** Alyeska Resort in Girdwood, Alaska

Teens Acting Against Violence (T.T.A.A.V at Lead On! ConferenceA.A.V) members Kisha Lee, Maya Morris, and Cynthia Andrew attended and served as presenters at the 2nd Annual Lead On! For Peace and Equality conference. Lead On! is a conference that unites youth leaders with community partners to develop projects to promote peace and equality in each of their home communities. At the conference T.A.A.V members participated in numerous workshops involving theatre, art and media to improve their leadership skills. Nationally acclaimed speakers like Courtney Macavinta, Gene Tagaban, Oscar Degruy and Ellen Frankenstein also served as inspiration to create positive change in the world.

One of the highlights of the conference was attending workshops and performances by The Destiny Arts Youth Performance Company (DAYPC). DAYPC is a multicultural teen group from Oakland, California that creates original performance arts pieces using song and rap, hip hop, modern, and aerial dance, martial arts, and theatre. “The Destiny Arts group was my most favorite part of the conference because they were good dancers, had a lot of talent, and taught me the five fingers of non-violence, ” said Cynthia AT.A.A.V at Lead On! Conferencendrew.

During the conference T.A.A.V members also did a 20 minute presentation about conducting violence prevention work in the Yukon-Delta. Presenting proved to be  an empowering experience for T.A.A.V member Maya Morris, “Although I felt nervous to present, afterward I was proud”. Overall Lead On! was a wonderful experience. T.A.A.V is currently integrating their new knowledge and resources gained at the conference into their violence prevention program. Stay tuned for updates!

Funds for furniture!

Our Legal Advocates sitting on air chairs!IMG_4741.jpgIMG_4748TAAV imagines a new table!

The new building is coming together so nicely! Our staff ran through it on Friday afternoon (dodging Michelle and contractors!) to take some pictures of the new office and shelter spaces. The paint is drying and the floors are shiny and flawless. Yet, we’re not quite there yet! We still need to furnish these wonderful spaces. The shelter side needs beds, lamps, light bulbs and play toys etc and the administrative side could use… well everything. Thanks again to everyone who let us play around on Friday, and for all those supporting TWC in this huge project!